Namgyal Monastery also often referred to as the “Temple of the Dalai Lama” is currently located in Dharamsala, India McLeod Ganji.
This is the personal monastery of the 14th Dalai Lama. Another name of this temple complex is Namgyal Tantric College.
The school was founded to provide better traditional monastic and modern education for monks. Additionally, the monks of Namgyal Monastery have an important role to serve the activities that are under the wing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In addition to religious activities that affect millions of people, the monks of Namgyal help with the administrative activities of the Dalai Lama’s private office.
The monks of the monastery and monastery school serve in the service of HH the Dalai Lama and will be responsible for many more functions and activities in the future. That is why we also focus very much on modern education for young monks.
We currently have 152 students. Of these, there are 41 senior monks who are engaged in higher Buddhist studies in both Sutra and Tantra directions, as well as in the rituals of various practices. Another group are junior students who study at the school from the first to the tenth grade.
The curriculum of these classes includes: Buddhist philosophy, memorization of texts (ritual recitation), English, science, mathematics and computers. We have students here from Tibet, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan and also from India.
Younger students will continue with their further education in Buddhist philosophy for a full 15 years after completing the tenth grade. They will begin their studies of completely unique topics such as ritual chants, sand mandala making, ritual dances and music, butter sculpting and torum making.
The highest goal of Namgyal Monastery is to support the life and education of Buddhist monks and thereby contribute to the preservation of the unique Tibetan tradition of monastic life. All this for the good of all sentient beings.