“My mother can only weave. He can’t read, write or do math. But I will learn it and when I grow up I will become a businessman. Plus, school is fun. I like going there very much.”
Sonam 7 years old, Sumdho Nomad Village, Ladakh
Every child should have the right to education. Nomadic children like Sonam, however, live high in the Himalayas and it is impossible for them to go to school, especially in winter. That is why we support the school directly with them.
The winter nomadic school “Winter Tuition” is small, mobile, warm and has great teachers. In it, little nomads learn to read, write and count and thus get a chance to break generations of poverty.
Let’s give them a choice!
How does it work?
In cooperation with the Swiss foundation Amma-la, we support winter education for almost 160 children aged 6-16. The school is divided into several classes, according to age and level of education. They learn together in small, easy-to-assemble wooden houses with plastic roofs and small stoves inside. The children have stationery, textbooks and notebooks, food and hot tea. Support also covers teachers’ salaries.
Education is the foundation! Do you see it the same way? Support the education of little nomads.
We will send them to school together
Where has the ProTibet School already helped?

Nomadic children from the Changtang - Ladakh region
Little nomads go to school every winter and can get an education. We support their three-month study program with tens of thousands every year.

SOS Village THF - Mussoorie
Gifted young students who finish their studies at THF go on to study at universities. We supported scholarships with tens of thousands of crowns.

Diskit monastery school
Monks from the Diskit monastery received school supplies and classroom equipment.

Gyalten School - Tibet
We supported Tibetan Gyalten from 2012 to 2018. We bought school supplies and textbooks, contributed to the repair of dormitories, kitchen equipment, social rooms and other necessary equipment. In total, the children received 1,251,252 CZK from us.

Centrum Drokpa - Tibet
We have supported the educational center for nomads for many years. We bought 100 textbooks for the children, contributed to the teachers’ quarterly salaries and equipped the school kitchen. Unfortunately, the center was closed by the Chinese authorities.

School Maga - Tibet
Until 2013, we supported Tibetan children from the Maga school with a total amount of over 250,000 CZK.