Tibetan exile villages in Ladakh in the area called Tibetan Settlement Sonamling have been involved in the Adoption project since 2008. Thanks to donors, the poorest seniors and poor families deep in the mountains are supported.
A total of 25 Tibetan exile villages are scattered in the Indian Himalayas of Ladakh. Both Tibetans who fled Tibet after 1960 and those who were born in exile in India live here. Each of the Tibetan territorial areas in India is administered by its own administrative unit, the Central Representative Office – CRO, which falls under the Home Department within the Tibetan Government-in-Exile (Central Tibetan Administration).
In cooperation with CRO and together with our long-time friends, we verify the situation of each supported elderly person or family. We want to be sure that we are really supporting those most in need.
In cooperation with the Health Department, we also deal with the health needs of the elderly and residents of the area. Fifteen years ago, we financed the creation of several water pumps that distributed water to local campsites. In recent years, we have focused on the purchase of compensatory aids, wheelchairs, walking sticks and mattresses.
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